Director: Russell Brown WHITE CAMELLIAS is a melodrama that revolves around an artist in her early 60s (Cybill Shepherd) who throws a...
White Camellias
When Jonathan Parker was 4 years old, his mother's words and a chance encounter with a Salvation Army Kris Kringle instilled in him a lifelong belief...
24 Nights
Two cross-town rival dance teams go head to head for the National Nationals Championship.
Successful news anchor Melanie Abraxas is blindsided by her husband on the same day the teleprompters fail, leading to a very public embarrassment.
The Mountain
Six years have elapsed since Guantanamo Bay, leaving Harold and Kumar estranged from one another with very different families, friends and lives. But...
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas
Spotlighting the art of drag, and centered on the New York staple Wigstock, this documentary showcases the personalities and performances that inform...
Ben is a young bisexual man. He comes out to the world and develops an intense relationship with Sam, a man of color struggling with deep wounds of...