The movie is about a love story between the main characters, Tamil and Mozhi. This story begins from their first encounter in their high school years...
Santhittha Naal Muthal
A rich irresponsible boy shows a different feeling towards a fresher at the university. He suddenly vanishes taking money from the girl´s bank....
Vennira Iravugal
The film tells the story about Denes and Karadi, living in this 21st Century, and living life to the fullest just like any other youngsters. They...
Vetti Pasanga
The film revolves around a village boy named Theva. He ends up in a twisted situation and realises that everything surrounding him is a mystery....
Vedigundu Pasangge
The simplicity of chaotic life struggles, the beautiful relationship between a man and his son, a man and the apple of his eye, and a funny yet...
Vilaiyaattu Pasange