Nearly fifty years after the events of "Black Christmas," Sam, Jess Bradford's granddaughter, is spending Christmas Eve at her grandmother's old...
It's Me, Billy
Hidden deep within the walls of Jess Bradford's mansion lies the evidence that will exonerate her former boyfriend Peter Smythe and expose the real...
It's Me, Billy: Chapter 2
Four friends plan a camping trip at a small campground to spend an evening around a fire, telling each other campfire stories that all supposedly...
Tales From The Campfire
Dylan's New Nightmare acts as an unofficial sequel to Wes Craven's: A New Nightmare, one of the most unique and high concept installments to the...
Dylan's New Nightmare
This documentary is by fans and for the fans, chronicling why John Carpenter's classic has stood the test of time. Bringing together some of the...
For the Love of the Boogeyman: 40 Years of Halloween