In this sequel, Hakimi is engaged to the lovely Princess Megawati, and is appointed as CEO of her company, Megapuri Berhad. In living up to his role...
Mr. Cinderella 2
This time around, the gang - Azlee, Mazlan and Wahid go for a vacation to an island resort. Upon their arrival, they discover that the resort isn't...
Senario The Movie Episode 2: Beach Boys
Semerah Cinta Stilleto is a story about two people from different status, Letto and Stella. Stella grew up in a openminded family. However, She is...
Semerah Cinta Stilleto
The story about how Hamid and Jaafar, who worked as farmers and RELA volunteers, together sought the support of the villagers to bring down Jamali, a...
Aku Yang Berhormat