An eccentric TV host surrounded by an incompetent crew, reports the story of four lonely tenants that after a blackout in the middle of summer, have...
The Human Implant
Qualcosa da condividere
The Captain, a veteran of war, lives in a mysterious forest with a young and odd squire. The sudden arrival of a soldier, who has lost his memory,...
The Awful Wars
After the 8th September 1943 north of Italy is occupied by Germans. Italian army collapsed and the soldiers are escaped to the mountains trying to...
Johnny the Partisan
Adelaide is a 40-year-old literature teacher married with children. One day, she learns about the murder of a wealthy and arrogant co-worker of hers,...
Se devo essere sincera
After a big fight, a couple wakes up with an unbelievable problem: he can't speak and she can't hear anything. Doctors and exams are useless. A...