Clifton Webb as a strict, conservative father heads the cast of this 1959 comedy, about an American family vacationing in South America. Directed by...
Holiday for Lovers
"For Pete's Sake" is the heartfelt and inspiring story of a man (Robert Sampson) struggling to come to terms with his wife's (Pippa Scott) untimely...
For Pete's Sake
An oppressed Mexican peasant village hires seven gunfighters to help defend their homes.
The Magnificent Seven
The Heiress collects legends, myths, and monsters that haunt the world - La Llorona, the Moth Man, the Jersey Devil, to name a few - proving they do...
The Heiress
A troubled man turns himself in, believing he's harmed others but is at war with himself over the facts surrounding his quest for clarity and a brush...
The Radiant One
An orphan trains a racehorse so he can win the money to build a new church.
For the Love of Mike