Set in Royton, Manchester, Judy is the uplifting story of a mother struggling to come to terms with her cancer diagnosis. The debut film of acclaimed...
Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in...
The Rise of the Krays
The brutal brothers from Bethnal Green are back and bloodier than ever in Fall of the Krays. Following on from the ferocious Rise Of The Krays, Fall...
The Fall of the Krays
Dr Michael O'Brien is a celebrated palaeoanthropologist, but his recently-published book has drawn ridicule from academics while being hailed by...
2.0 Lucy
As a country arms itself for war, a family tears itself apart. Forced to avenge his father's death but paralyzed by the task ahead, Hamlet rages...
National Theatre Live: Hamlet