The film centres on local small-town GAA football "outside the bright lights of Croke Park", following a player who struggles to get back into the...
Feeling stuck in the drudgery of domesticity. Irene Carr needs to change her life, before she loses her identity completely. When her friend Jan...
Rachael's life is controlled by social welfare payments. Recently split from her partner, Rachael raises her daughters by finding humour in their...
Waiting Day
A gang of desperate criminals seek refuge in what appears to be a perfectly ordinary house - but discover it houses something much more sinister, and...
Amy Keane, a thirteen-year-old trying to cope with the death of her mother and the reappearance of her father's ex-girlfriend, experiences the...
I Used to Live Here
A teenage girl roams the streets trying to buy alcohol. Then she gets desperate...
Young Mother
An 18-year-old man, living on a Dublin housing estate with his grandfather, is caught holding drugs for his friend's older brother and sentenced to 3...
Michael Inside
Cian and Pat have been joined at the hip since they were kids and have the run of their small town in the midlands. Cian is content to coast through...