A new teacher, Uma (Anasuya Subasinghe), arrives at a school with her first appointment in a remote village near Dambulla in Sri Lanka. The school...
The Singing Pond
Kathuru Mithuru (Sinhala: කතුරු මිතුරු) is a 2023 Sri Lankan Sinhala comedy film...
Kathuru Mithuru
One person wins at life by bravely challenging his destiny; he is jailed for murder but released after a few years.
Yakada Pihatu
A Young man fights for his lost bike with courage. Honest Gangster with his foolish brother who destroyed everything. This is a remake of Tamil movie...
Sasitha works as the underpaid delivery man for Giftnet, an Internet based business which accepts gift orders from outside Sri Lanka. Suffocated by...
Ethumai Methumai (Sinhala: එතුමයි මෙතුමයි) is a 2011 Sri Lankan Sinhala...
Ethumai Methumai