This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of...
Angelique and the Sultan
The story of a pimp who falls in love with one of his victims, is "purified" by it, but also perishes. A colportage that vacillates between...
Der Reformator
Angelique goes in search of her husband Joffrey de Peyrac who did not die on the stake.
Untamable Angelique
Young men from a car repair shop in Loch Ness, northern Scotland, use a sea monster imitation to rescue castle residents from murder attacks. This...
Nessie, the Craziest Monster in the World
Der Haupttreffer
Wind in den Zweigen des Sassafras
Brückenallee Nr. 3
Siegeszug der Düsenjets
Now Brunhild knows by which treason she was won for king Gunther of Burgund by Siegfried of Xanthen, and has been revenged by his foul murder by...
Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy 2
Near the end of World War II, Gen. Dietrich von Choltitz receives orders to burn down Paris if it becomes clear the Allies are going to invade, or if...
Is Paris Burning?