In this satirical drama, an international arms deal is interrupted by teenage protesters. A Swedish engineer tries to prevent his activist daughter...
A Swedish Defence
A teenage girl is found by her parents brutally raped and murdered in the woods. It's now up to Beck and his team to catch the criminal.
Beck 22 - The Weak Link
Fredrik, the single father of Magda, is too occupied with his race horse Kisa to see that his daughter has problems in school. But one day Magda...
Winners and Losers
Sara falls in love with everything that moves with a pulse. She gives her heart to guys on toll too quickly. She is a hopeless romantic who believes...
Summer and a Hell of a Lot of Trouble
94 years after the defeat of emperor Palpatine, the galaxy is once again in deep conflict. The new republic and the Skenvi empire both compete over...
Star Wars: Threads of Destiny
The great star of the Royal Dramatic Theatre has fallen ill, and must be cared for at home by a talkative, insecure woman who, over time, finds it...
Second Act
Several dead bodies have been found in Gothenburg striking fear into the city's population. We follow Goran Lidman who will head the task of tracing...