Kids in Cars Getting Killed by Creatures is a horror mini-anthology. Two short films based around the same simple premise: Two people in the back...
Kids in Cars Getting Killed by Creatures
delirium tremens is a short film that tells the story, Kevin, a man recovering from alcoholism as the world crumbles around him.
delirium tremens
The holidays are a special time of year and for (most of) the ifitfitz crew December means Christmas, but as they gather around the hearth they...
An ifitfitz Christmas
Millie gets invited to Anthony Tremble's eighth birthday party on Saturday, February 29th.
The Spectacular Eighth Birthday of Anthony Tremble
Candace and Chris put their child down for a nap and now it's time to clean up...if they can just decide a few things.
The Negotiation
These Uncertain Times is an experimental short film conceived as a way to keep making films during the COVID-19 crisis. The first film maker was...
These Uncertain Times
A man is involved in a kidnapping while another man hits on his neighbor and talks to her about evergreen perennials. Creeping Jenny is another...
Creeping Jenny
Father Time is a short film about a grown man and his father.
Father Time
An abstract animated short film focusing on mood and emotion over plot.
Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow