Thirty years after serving together in the Vietnam War, Larry, Sal and Richard, reunite for a different type of mission: to bury Doc's son, a young...
Last Flag Flying
J. W. Cox's Next Short Film
The Rise of Elsie Matthews
When a mysterious terrorist declares war on white nationalist cops, he starts a war that will tear the country apart.
The Scotts are confronted with their past and Harrison with his future when they visit a Caribbean island that is being ripped apart by mysterious...
The Riddle Of The Spider's Web
In this reboot of the 2005 Indie Classic, Attorney Laney McCoy begins an affair with a much younger man, only to spin out of control in a jealous...
Fury: Redux
Donnie's wife Sara is kidnapped. He's left video messages by Noah, the man that took her showing her held in captivity. Noah gives Donnie one week to...
Ashley, a fierce friend to Mandy, takes the phrase "hurt my friend and I'll kill you" to the extreme. As the bodies stack up, her mistakes haunt her...
Ride or Die