Bright samurai movie innovatively adapted from a classic story. A traveling masterless samurai is asked by a daughter of an established samurai...
Eight Views of Samurai
旗本退屈男 謎の幽霊船
Chikuzen, a ronin named Yoh Daisuke, after pacifying some ruffians at the theater of Onna-Kata Ogino Sawanojiki, formed a bond with the theater's...
旗本退屈男 謎の怪人屋敷
Kintaro goes on a journey to his hometown to meet his mother and sister. His love for singing leads him to a perceptive and cheerful girl named...
Surprising 53 Stations of the Tokaido
A swordsman must foil a minister's sinister plan to assassinate the shogun.
The Mansion of Intrigue
旗本退屈男 謎の紅蓮塔
In the mist of the warring age (Sengoku Era), the Kyushu based Hayato Clan is faced with a monumental battle to determine their survival.
Period drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.
Lords of Oppression
Lords of Oppression 2
Turbulent Highways
Part of the Bored Hatamoto series. The most popular samurai in Edo, Saotome Mondonosuke, known to most as the "Bored Hatamoto" is the only one who...
Bored Hatamoto: Island of No Return