Marooned on the island once inhabited by Prospero, washed up silent film star Clarke Andrews finds himself enchanted by the residual magic of events...
Clarke Andrews Tempest
After an accident, a firefighter must extinguish terrifying trauma as he attempts to reignite his career.
Slow Burn
As Christmas comes to an end, Liz the head of a small distant family attempts to recover what has been a cheerless holiday with a good old board...
1975, Devon. Nine year old Jazmin Hughes goes missing. 15 years later, her body is found and her parents are thrown into grief once again.
From the Ground
Rosie Dean doesn't look like a typical Morris dancer, but something about her local group has drawn her in to the extent that she has cut off all...
Hell's Bells
Cut From Cloth is a short family drama, set on the day of a funeral. After he passes away, three estranged siblings gather round their father's...
Cut from Cloth