Tells a story about a man named Anthony who loses his wife, to an illness and finds it hard to move on. Although Anthony is now single, he struggles...
How to Love
"Two Women" - Cecilia is in hospital after being subjected to an attempt on her life. Her husband is called to the hospital. Cecilia deliriously...
Two Women
Pelle Frisk is serving in the Swedish armed forces.
Kronans glada gossar
The rich, aristocratic Katarina Hassel have an architect renovate her mansion. Katarina fall in love with the young architect, Gunnar Stenwall. Alas,...
My Sister and I
A man on the verge of marriage is haunted by traumatic memories from his childhood.
Night Games
In England, a famous jewel collection is stolen. The police suspect that the jewels have been smuggled to Sweden, and in Stockholm, the young...
Kvinnan som försvann
"Sailors" - A musical comedy about Kalle Svensson, a sergeant in the navy, and his loved one Nanette Raquette who works as a gymnastics teacher.
Filip Palm works as a clerk. His hobby is creating inventions of different sorts. He has just received a big inheritance and has fallen in love with...
13 Chairs
On a tourist trip abroad the passengers on the coach witness an assassination attempt on the President Hurkas. One of the tourists has evidence...
The Yellow Car
The architect Gösta complains to Dr. Holm about his wife Gunilla's introverted character. Holm proposes a drug that will make her more outgoing.
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