Five years ago Alice saw her son murdered; now every day is consumed with the need to find his killer. In the sleepy town of Ludlow, the arrival of...
In this dark, tongue in cheek, British Horror, six friends take a holiday in the heart of the English countryside which turns into a culinary...
The beekeeper who accidentally kills his wife before nervously burying her body under his vegetable patch, the child born with an insatiable and...
Tell Me a Creepy Story
Set on the coastal town of Dungeness, skeletons tells the story of Rose, an aging sex line worker, who attempts to escapes a loveless marriage after...
Tina’s world is breaking up. The answers lie elsewhere. In a bid to restore order she embarks on a journey where past and present collide.
The Wake
Clark Cart holds a book club meeting for the people of Hamsbury exclusively to discuss books written by himself.
Hamsbury Book Club
A single mother struggles to bond with her apathetic child; born with an insatiable and increasingly inhumane appetite.
Hungry Joe
Short film set to a poem about why Pride is important to say thanks for human right's campaigners and to show solidarity. Dedicated to those who...
Why We Need Pride