Dangerous Lies Vol. 2 is a horror/thriller anthology: "Two Face", "Crime Driver" and "Viral Dejavù. All the episodes are about lies that leads...
Dangerous Lies Vol. 2
A policeman who spies on the lives of others, an important banker married to a housewife who poses as a noblewoman. A precarious young masseuse and...
Life Is a Wonderful Thing
Robert Williams is called by the police during a business meeting. His wife Lauren is in shock, after finding a dead man in her home. More dead...
Subject 0: Shattered memories
Mark wants to save Linda and Sherry using wild methods. In the meanwhile a dark side of their souls rise. To fight evil you need evil.
Evil Sherry
2013 Italian comedy
See You Tomorrow
La moglie del sarto
Aurora e Nicolas: two very different loners meet through a social network.