A group of scientists in San Francisco struggle to stay alive in the aftermath of a plague that is wiping out humanity, while Caesar tries to...
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
In 1873, Emperor Meiji abolished the rights of the samurai in favor of a modern, westernized military. With intentions to launch a bloody crusade...
The Dry Blade
American pacifist Private Finch (Carl Schreiber) finds himself pressured by his superiors to kill a P.O.W. captured from battle. As a direct result...
I Die Alone
A former safecracker is lured back for one last job by an old flame and business partner. This is filmed in the style of a 1940s 'film-noir.'
The Home Invaders
A hit man discovers a secret about his boss while on assignment and must fight to save himself and his wife.
War Path