In a small Spanish town, during the Christmas holidays, a group of rich old ladies organize a peculiar event that consists of inviting a homeless...
Mary dreams of following the footsteps of his mother, Stella Marco, once famous popular singer. Both survive renting rooms to people in show...
Miss Cuplé
In this lighthearted crime comedy, Nicolas is a Barcelona ice cream vendor who inadvertently helps a friend who has just committed a robbery. He is...
The Thief of Tibadabo
Marcos, an important businessman working in Madrid, is wealthy, ambitious and has political aspirations. On top of it, he has a beautiful wife,...
La otra alcoba
The film tells of a young woman travels to Malaga to Barcelona to meet and live with his grandfather, a poor blind man selling matches in the Catalan...
Carlos a young man who lives in the suburbs of the big city has ambitions and wants to change his life. Influenced by friends of doubtful moral...
In Cold Blood
Everything you need to know is telegraphed by the title of this Spanish-language drama. The story takes place in a hothouse Mediterranean setting and...
Soft Skin on Black Silk
Sueños de mujer
Víctor is a handsome boy, skeptical and lover of the pleasures of life. He has no job or benefit and lives on women without realizing that his...
A Glass of Whiskey
El amor empieza en sábado
Elisa, a seller of a fashion house, sends a model to the wrong address. For fear of being fired she decides to recover it on her own. She encounters...
La boda era a las doce
The film is divided into three parts: 'Restlessness', 'Violence' and 'Death', to explain the motivations, evolution and defeat of three young misfits...
Los atracadores
La gran coartada
La ruta de los narcóticos
The film is an adaptation of three fairy tales classics of children literature. "The Maiden of the Sea" tells the story of Coraline, a mermaid who...
Fantasía... 3
Several stories about marriages that receive the news that they will be parents. Alejandro and Mercedes are newly married and receive the news with...
Crónica de nueve meses
A salesman discovers that his wife has died under strange circumstances. Examining these circumstances, it becomes obvious to him that they were...
Muere una mujer
In Tordesa, a small fishing village in the Spanish Levant, appears a coelacanth, an important fish that in recent years has attracted the attention...
Julia y el celacanto
A married man with mother expected every day and especially forward to the arrival of the night to let off steam in a nightclub and escape from the...
Mi marido y sus complejos
La rosa roja
Through a pictoric play, this movie tells the story about the painter Eduardo Miranda who, one night, while he was lokking to a gipsy group that was...
La virgen gitana
Un viaje de novios
Report on the activities of the Spanish journalists. Series of separate episodes of various kinds, including almost all the areas normally covered by...
Escuela de periodismo
After the death of Queen Mercedes, Alfonso XII's first wife, the problem of the succession is raised. The monarchy needs a heir and the King choses...
¿Dónde vas, triste de ti?
One day, three young seamstresses who love nightlife and fun, upon returning to the house they share, find a seriously injured girl in the bathroom.
La cuarta ventana
Mr Antonio is undergoing a bad economic situation that shares with his daugther Leonor, a lovely teenager who makes him happy and helps him sewing to...
Lo que cuesta vivir
The rich heiress of an emigrant lives a season of retreat and rest in the Asturian village from which her father left as a child. The experiences...
Under the Skies of the Asturias
King Charles V sent his confidant, Don Fernando,from France to the Spanish Court carrying an important documentation. However, the frigate where he...
El correo del rey