The Woodmen follows three individuals who find themselves in a fight for their lives as they attempt to escape from a clan of feral humans that call...
The Woodmen
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, the Arachnado has returned, this time as a "Firenado" with Flaming Spiders. It's up to a renegade...
Arachnado 2: Flaming Spiders
Benny goes on the search for his missing twin sister and ends up in Abbeville, a small town with dark secrets and a witch named Huggin Molly...
Huggin Molly
Yield is a horror film about a young couple on vacation who decides to go hiking in a national forest. It's only after they are inside that the...
When a freak cyclone swamps Los Angeles, millions of poisonous spiders terrorize the city. .
Brandon is back! In this long-awaited unofficial sequel/spin-off to the Amateur Porn Star Killer trilogy. It is the first film in history to include...
Ted Bundy Had a Son
Emma Grove, Amy Hanson, Randy Farris, and Peter Moore ventured into the woods of Connecticut to unravel the mystery behind the legend of the Wolf of...
The Fairfield County Four