A high school swim champion with a troubled past enrolls in the U.S. Coast Guard's 'A' School, where legendary rescue swimmer, Ben Randall teaches...
The Guardian
When once distant UFOs become a terrifying threat and an alien invasion force begins attacking Earths major costal and riverside cities, a U.S Marine...
Battle: Los Angeles
Jimmy lives in the tranquil town of Eagle Rock, Louisiana, with his father, stepmother and his best friend Rainy, a German Shepherd. When Jimmy's...
Cool Dog
Four friends from the rough side of town grow apart when two are consumed by a life of crime, and the other two become FBI agents sent deep...
Mission Park
Be careful what you wish for. With their after school junk business, best friends Sonny and Sam hope to find treasure in other people’s trash....
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween
Students of renowned acting coach, Cathryn Sullivan, discuss their experiences and success stories in pursuing a career as professional actors.
Dream Chasers