Once Upon a Time in a mythical place called Hollywood, a long, long, long time ago in a galaxy not so very far away, a witty group of actors with 38...
A cop, accused of accidental murder, goes after drug dealers who are holding his sister and her friend.
Death Flash
A squad of Libyan terrorists infiltrate the city of Kokomo, Indiana, with the goal of car bombing a nuclear power plant. While attempting to escape...
Terror Squad
Teenager Ray Trueblood is wrongfully accused of murdering a police officer after his fellow gang member Billy Masters does the deed. Hoping to elude...
True Blood
David Miller is a Vietnam vet who renounced violence and became a minister after he was forced to blow up a Viet Cong kid in self defense, but years...
Ministry of Vengeance
Ponch has returned to the police force, and is determined to help his friend Jon investigating various car thefts.
CHiPs '99