Drama based on events during the 1984/85 miners strike. One of the first dramatised accounts, it was written by Geoffrey Case and directed by Gordon...
Truckers, the first of Terry Pratchett's novels to be adapted for TV brings to life the story of the Nomes. 15000 years ago the Nomes crashed to...
A farm family catch a young man stealing eggs from their barn. Seemingly homeless, the man stays with them. Daughter Grace is disgusted by the...
Letting the Birds Go Free
Drama based on the case history of a Liverpool boy, Graham Gaskin, who spent most of his youth in care.
Dramatisation of the Stephen Downing case which involved the conviction and imprisonment in 1974 of a 17-year-old council worker, Stephen Downing,...
In Denial of Murder
Drama based on the real life events of April 1989, when ninety-six Liverpool supporters were crushed to death during an F.A. Cup Semi-Final match...