This 1985 performance at the Montreal Jazz Festival captures Miles at one of his peaks in popularity. Throughout his long career, Miles utilized the...
Miles Davis: Live from the Montreal Jazz Festival
Chick Corea Quartet: That Old Feeling - Live In L.A
Miles Davis - The Definitive Miles Davis At Montreux - Afternoon July 8 TH 1984
Miles Davis - The Definitive Miles Davis At Montreux - Evening July 8 TH 1984
Miles Davis: The Definitive Miles Davis At Montreux 1973-1991
Miles Davis - The Definitive Miles Davis At Montreux - Evening July 14 TH 1985
Inspired partly by the Henry James' novel. Empty rooms and well kept gardens. Noted by photographer Nan Goldin for its dissections of "romance,...
The Golden Bowl, or Repression
Miles Davis - The Definitive Miles Davis At Montreux - July 14 TH 1985