A band’s vocalist, Sitha, mysteriously disappears before their concert in Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. The band learns she's in Saranjana, a...
Saranjana: Supernatural City
The story begins with a comics by Kirei (Nadya Arina) on Toon's web, whose inspiration comes from Wijaya (Donny Damara), a middle-aged man and a...
Love Reborn: Comics, Music & Stories of the Past
Plot Unknown.
Ustad Arifin Ilham's life journey from childhood to becoming a great scholar: from being pegged by a snake to being in a coma for months. From there...
Suami yang Menangis
Zharfa was abandoned by her biological father since she was one year old. Her mother then remarried a cunning man. Because Zharfa always quarrels...