American professor Robert Traum embarks on an adventurous and amusing journey through Bucovina to find Sami the projectionist, the only person alive...
The Phantom Father
Fernanda Pivano: A Farewell to Beat
An in-depth look at artist/filmmaker David Lynch's movies, paintings, drawings, photographs, and various other works of art. Features interview...
Pretty as a Picture: The Art of David Lynch
A performance of some of Nelson Algren's greatest and least known works, performed live at the Steppenwolf theatre in Algren's hometown, Chicago.
Nelson Algren Live
Author Barry Gifford's gritty autobiographical stories of growing up in 1950s Chicago provide the backdrop for an impressionistic documentary...
Roy's World: Barry Gifford's Chicago
Filled with humor and defining experiences in both his own life and in the lives of some of his closest friends, William Faulkner and Robert Aldrich,...
The Long Haul of A.I. Bezzerides