The Hollow Tree is a 2007 film directed by Patrick Steward and co-produced by Haydenfilms. It tells the touching story of a runaway who encounters a...
The Hollow Tree
Wanda wants to take care of everyone in her life. She barely has time for herself, not that she would know what to do with it anyway.
I'll Be Right There
After his father's passing, a teenager sets out for New York in search of his estranged mother and soon finds love and connection in unexpected...
Ali & Ratu Ratu Queens
A young kid escapes life on the streets of New York City by stealing video cameras with his friends and retreating into the footage he's found.
The Speed of Life
A young Italian woman inherits from her deceased lover an enigmatic modern house in the New York country side, and goes to see it for the first time....
Before It Had a Name
A forlorn teenager abandoned in New York City spirals out of control, from a troubled kid to an accidental addict, after he mistakes the welcoming...
Straight Outta Tompkins
Shortly after breaking up, a couple returns to their couples therapist to demand a refund.
We Want Our Money Back
After an overdose, a young man's father sets up a rehab in their isolated mansion on a lake. An eccentric team of hired professionals attempt to...
The Weekend Fix
Josh's life is pretty much in the toilet. He's a failed NYC indie rocker, and a failing booking agent. But he finds the potential of a small victory...
The Puffy Chair
An anonymous artist reveals their true identity.