As a high school AV club faces the absurdity of egomania, tensions flare between the director and main actress, leading to a fatal reprimand for the...
AV Club
Petunia, a 20-something ex-hit-girl sharpshooter, is unwillingly dragged back into the criminal underbelly when her deadbeat hitman father gets in...
A heartbroken 20-something reluctantly returns to his childhood home in Miami, where he's forced to reevaluate his relationships in the face of a...
Fallen Fruit
Heartbroken, listening to Enya, and making Mickey Mouse pancakes in his underwear, the last thing Brooklynite Troy wants to do is welcome new...
Best Years
In this MiniDV curio, a young woman moves to New York and becomes entangled in her roommates’ tumultuous relationship.
Yelling Fire in an Empty Theater