Inspired by true and harrowing events, an ordinary man finds his world suddenly torn apart as devastating wildfires rip through the surrounding...
On Fire
A gang initiation goes wrong when a group of four recruits break into a house of horror, as they're all forced to play deadly games for their lives.
Bitch Ass
Summer is a carefree teenage girl whose world is turned upside down when her mother abruptly converts to Islam and becomes a different person. At...
A teen becomes the target of a stalker after she joins a club where participants play a game that grows increasingly sinister.
The Stalker Club
Kent is ready to put his playboy past behind him and marry the girl he loves- but first, he has to prove he's changed his ways for good.
He's Mine Not Yours
When a young woman turns to her friend for support about a sensitive topic, she doesn't find the safe space she was looking for. Instead, she...