A young woman who unknowingly grew up in federal witness protection reels after her mother’s murder, leading her to question everything that...
The Plot to Kill My Mother
Fifteen years after Cynthia put her daughter up for adoption, she learns that the girl has gone missing and immediately joins the search, determined...
The Daughter I Gave Away
Days before Christmas in Edwardian-era Toronto, Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) is called to investigate a daring train robbery. When...
Once Upon a Murdoch Christmas
While investigating the murder of a rich benefactor and the theft of children's presents at a Christmas charity pageant, Murdoch discovers...
A Merry Murdoch Christmas
"Home for the Holidays" is the third stand-alone two hour Christmas special of the "Murdoch Mysteries" that first aired on December 18, 2017 on CBC,...
Home for the Holidays
Based on the true story of the enduring but troubled love between Lois Wilson, co-founder of Al-Anon, and her alcoholic husband Bill Wilson,...
When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story