Based on the best-selling novel by author Eric Jerome Dickey, this funny and insightful drama follows four African-Americans, detailing the...
Friends and Lovers
Shaquille O'Neal turns up the heat for the second edition of the All Star Comedy Jam, with the legendary D.L. Hughley playing emcee and stand-up...
All Star Comedy Jam: Live from South Beach
Live-wire comedian Arnez J. totes his talent for impressions to the stage of Boston's Wilbur Theater for this one-hour comedy special that pokes fun...
Arnez J: Racially Motivated
Def Comedy Jam played host to some of the greatest comedians of the 1990s, many of whom went on to greater fame, due in part to the exposure they...
Def Comedy Jam, Vol. 7
Def Comedy Jam, Vol. 6
Two girls at a Historically Black College are strapped for cash to pay their senior year's tuition. In a pinch, they take their pool-hustling skills...
Up Against the 8 Ball
Rae Jones is a talented, edgy, street-forged sexy 20-something, desperate to become a working actress. After years of dead end auditions and...