Al Shaw's life revolves around motor racing and his back country junkyard, the "Smash Palace". His French wife, Jacqui, doesn't appreciate the lack...
Smash Palace
One night, in a Los Angeles hospital, Dr. Flax attends to a seriously injured man who, apparently crazed, whispers mysterious and disconcerting words...
The worlds of journalism and politics collide in this story about an experienced journalist who desperately needs to scoop a big story in order to...
The Edge of Power
A slightly disturbed young amateur photographer finds that his father has been secretly having an affair with his co-worker. Thus begins a spiral...
The Dark Room
The difficulty of separating sexual fantasy and reality becomes apparent in an investigation of an alleged sexual harassment case.
After Hours
After World War II, 4,000 Polish families came to Australia. They were Jews, Fascists, anti-Communists, and others dispossessed. In a large hostel,...
Silver City
My First Wife is about the dramatic collapse of the marriage between John and Helen. It is also a film about our children and the future we offer...
My First Wife
Before shady businessman John Singer disappeared off Bondi Beach, his name meant money--big and small, clean and dirty--a man absorbed in a world of...
The Empty Beach
During the 1860s, Dave Powers, apprentice to a horse trainer, volunteers to ride Archer to the Melbourne Cup race. Their start is 600 miles from...
Archer's Adventure