The special, a follow-up to the previous installment The Land Without Feelings (from 1983), sees the return of the ten original Bears and the...
The Care Bears Battle the Freeze Machine
It's Christmas Eve and all of Santa's helpers are busy packing the sleigh... all except one unnamed elf who is too young and too clumsy to help. But...
Bluetoes, the Christmas Elf
The Patterson family learns the true meaning of Christmas when Lizzie loses her stuffed bunny.
For Better or For Worse: The Bestest Present
Ben Chase is an on-the-rise Boston attorney currently defending a wealthy client in a high-profile murder case. Martin Thiel is the wealthy young man...
Criminal Law
Kevin, an angry boy on Earth, is mad because he has to move away from his friend Donna. Declaring that he doesn't care, he decides to run away and...
The Care Bears in the Land Without Feelings