'Albert Pinto Ko Gussa Kyun Ata Hai' revolves around the Pintos and the people connected to them. There's Albert who's pretty much angry at...
Albert Pinto Ko Gussa Kyoon Aata Hai
Arvind, a rich businessman's son, dates the office secretary but is engaged to marry someone else. With a complicated family background, he struggles...
Arvind Desai Ki Ajeeb Dastaan
The film is derived from a classic folk tale, originally narrated by Vijaydan Detha, and interpreted as folk play by Habib Tanvir. The film charts...
Charandas the Thief
Amma (Smita Patil) is a woman who has been raped and then forced to flee her home with her husband and child after her husband kills the rapist. Her...
Ravi, a progressive schoolteacher in a small village helps fight an epidemic by getting his students inoculated. He incurs the wrath of local...
The story deals with a professional hitman, who falls in love with the woman he sets out to murder.
Murder at Monkey Hill
A veterinarian, Dr. Rao, makes a visit to a village, where he intends to commence a co-operative society dairy for the betterment of the rural...
The Churning