In Hyderabad, Arjun,a DJ leads a happy life with his family and falls for Amulya. Suddenly his life turns upside down as the police arrest him for...
Meghana is a TV journalist who has a rare gift of extra-sensory perception (ESP). One day, she meets Siddharth Varma, a fashion designer, for an...
Vishwanath (Prakash Raj) is a millionaire whose daughter is Anjali (Shriya Saran). Vishwanath loves his daughter very much. So much that he even buys...
Nuvve... Nuvve...
Film starring M.S. Narayana, Allari Naresh and Rallapalli
Sairam, an assistant manager in a supermarket treads on an unethical path for a promotion, leading to dire consequences. Gayatri a thrifty housewife...
Set in Sokulapalem, bound by a promise to his mother, Surya, an LIC agent leads a normal life on six days, maintains a careful ledger of everyone...
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram
Close relatives, Suri and Uma Devi grow up together living next door to each other. They are made for each other but Suri takes a while to figure...
Uyyala Jampala