Based on the award-winning novel by Rusty Whitener, Season of Miracles follows the Robins, an underdog Little League team through their 1974 season...
Season of Miracles
Some may think the ability to recall entire conversations verbatim is a remarkable gift. But to fifty-year-old Dr. Richard Powell, it is a disruptive...
Season of Mysteries
When a plane crash claims the lives of members of the Marshall University football team and some of its fans, the team's new coach and his surviving...
We Are Marshall
After 20 years of praying for his daughter to let him back into her life, a 65-year-old Ty gets his wish when the prodigal requests his help in...
In Gramps' Shoes
Three stories intersect on a day of school in Pensacola, Florida.
Wasted Hours
A teenager and his friends become terrorized by dark hooded figures after his father goes missing at a remote house in the woods.
Grim Reapers