Left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht’s working day is marked by applause and admiration but also doubts and intrigues. This film follows her...
Documentary about leaked text messages from members of the German party 'Alternative for Germany'.
AfD Leaks: The Secret Chats of the Bundestag Parliamentary Group
The AfD, founded in 2013, is a right-wing party that has become increasingly radicalized in recent years. To illustrate this, only those who...
Wir waren in der AfD - Aussteiger berichten
In the 2024 elections in the eastern German states of Saxony and Thuringia, the right-wing extremist party AfD and the socio-culturally right-wing...
Die große Angst – Zukunft in Ostdeutschland?
Enthusiasm resounds at election campaign events with the right-wing extremist German AfD politician Björn Höcke. Some claim that he is his...
Höcke. Und seine Hintermänner
This is not a normal documentary, not an entertainment film or a blunt assignment, not a paid image film for advertising purposes - "Der lange...
Der lange Anlauf