An intimate account of the relationship between young composer and pianist Kit Armstrong and the world renowned Alfred Brendel, Set the Piano Stool...
Set the Piano Stool on Fire
Pianomania takes the audience on a humorous journey through the secret world of sound and accompanies Stefan Knüpfer in his extraordinary work...
Internationally renowned pianist Alfred Brendel delivers three different lectures: 'Does Classical Music Have to Be Entirely Serious?', 'Musical...
Alfred Brendel on Music
Certainly Brendel plays these pieces beautifully. He never overstates, which is lovely. Best of all, they remind me that they (for my money) are the...
Liszt Annees de Pelerinage
Competently as usual and with a lot of visinary energy, Claudio Abbado conducted his LUCERNE FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA at the opening of LUCERNE FESTIVAL,...
Claudio Abbado und Alfred Brendel - Beethovens Klavierkonzert Nr. 3 und Bruckners Sinfonie Nr. 7
Alfred Brendel, one of the greatest of all pianists, plays and reflects on Franz Schubert’s last three piano sonatas. As he points out,...
Franz Schubert's Last Three Piano Sonatas
Documentary on historically accurate performances in classical music.
The Real Thing