The personal story of the young student Felix Goldschmidt, who finds himself arrested for a crime he does not understand, like his fellow prisoners,...
Red Gloves
Klaus Bernath, a wealthy German citizen, decides, after many years, to visit his birthplace, of the Banat Swabian village Lindenfeld, in Romania....
A Love Story, Lindenfeld
The images of the condemnation and execution of dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife Elena on Christmas Day in 1989 are etched deeply in the...
The Last Days of the Ceaușescus
Romania, 1968. Two very different brothers. Mihai is a secret police informant, Emil is a dedicated dissident. When they have the opportunity to have...
That Trip We Took with Dad
Historical Docudrama, which describes accurately - based on evidence, documents, reconstructions and archive footage - the last days of life spouses...
Three days 'till Christmas
Roxana is a young Romanian nanny looking after 8-year-old Georges, the son of David and Elizabeth. David's a financier at the European Bank of...
The Silver Forest