Ishmael Dalisay begins to picture his future after graduating senior high school. Little by little, his idealistic principles are challenged by his...
Dalisay Dreams
A powerful and moving historical drama that tells the courageous story of three Filipino Catholic priests: Mariano Gomez, José Burgos, and...
When a deceased pilot is brought to Catacutan Funeral Home, the two kids ponder about their own dreams to become pilots and reach the clouds. But...
Maybe If We Reach the Clouds
Young local students of Barangay Malabanan are faced with the realization that their friendship will end due to their school's closing. Naya, a...
Kid, You're Just a Kid
A man struggles to recollect the memories that he shared with his estranged father as he travels back to see him for the last time. In his journey,...
Sakaling Malimutan Kita
When a group of elementary students chose to tell a local folklore Alamat ng Isdang Kulay Bahaghari for a stage play, their curiosity brought them...
The Tale of a Rainbow Fish