Dita, who, despite never aspiring to be a mother, finds herself compelled to raise her girlfriend’s two daughters—Mia, a tiny...
Housekeeping for Beginners
Three stories, three views on love and adultery in a comical way.
Three in One
This is a documentary film about the land and people which will never restore their power of the past. A story about negations and many historical...
The Last Macedonian - Road to Extinction
A mild political satire about a peculiar friendship between a lonesome monkey and an (impoverished) zoo warden, and about an upside-down world in...
Year of The Monkey
TM is a film about loneliness, about having faith in the impossible, a criticism of society and politics as the main culprit for the disappearance of...
Nika is a young girl who is in a desperate need of money. On her first workday at a home for elderly people she meets Vera, a forgotten actress who...
The film refers to the institution of "marriage counselor". She was used by those families from the Balkans who could not have children.