"A musical film of the totalitarian era" is the the second title of the film. The film is based on a legendary school film of Tomáš...
The Smoke
Pražská 5
With his father's memory waning, a struggling forester must confront the troubling reality about his livelihood and his family's future.
Way Home
MURDEROUS TALES is a special effect animated feature film combining live actors with 3D/2D animation, puppets and back projection. It contains three...
Murderous Tales
A computer programmer and his son are going out of the city for vacation.
Out of the City
In the former Czechoslovakia, 1950s, police captain Hakl investigates a jewelery robbery. An opened safe deposit leads to a known burglar. What seems...
In the Shadow
Oddsockeaters are small invisible creatures, responsible for socks that go missing when we only have one left from a pair. But unlike them,...
The Oddsockeaters
The fictional town of Šlukdorf. Here lives a car mechanic who calls himself Bourák. He loves rock and roll, dance, his own gelled hair...
The Banger
Multicar Movie Show