The film revolves around romantic Adel (Samo Zein) and the simple girl Nesma (Zeina) dreaming of a quiet family that combines them, but his mother...
Ninety Minutes
Three friends with the same name "Mohamed" who live in the same neighborhood and were born on the same day. The three fall in love with three girls...
Bahebak Wi Bamot Feek
A social romance that portrays the lives of 4 married couples who are friends. As they gather to celebrate the birthday of the daughter of one of...
Sleepless Nights
The film's events revolve around the problems facing young people these days through three people who work in a five-star hotel run by Mr. Akram,...
Five Stars
The events revolve around Sayed Gharib and his daughter, who lead a tight gang, and decide to rob a bank. But as things go as planned, they find out...
Shehab Abdul Aziz (Ahmed Haroun) is a corrupt businessman who collects his wealth illegally. A terrifying and interesting template.
Black Heart
A millionaire residing in England, advised by friends to make a charity campaign for the children of the orphaned world. His first stop in Egypt, his...
A gentle and dreamy girl who works as a costume assistant in a theater group faces troubles at work as the band's director and his son both love her,...
Cinderella in Arabic