Kostia, a young Parisian dancer, tries to put on a show that brings together his two passions: dance and French variety. The relationship created...
The Rite of Summer
Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the French...
Madame Claude
Bahia Benmahmoud, a free-spirited young woman, has a particular way of seeing political engagement, as she doesn't hesitate to sleep with those who...
The Names of Love
Elon, who suffers bipolar disorders, wants to please his dad, head of a southern France mafia, and reluctantly commit crimes. However, each of his...
Roads of Fear
Can you organize a weekend with friends without drinking alcohol? Bruno and Thomas are hosting their friends for the weekend. They take care of the...
Zero Degree