The film follows an emotionally harrowing journey endured by young gay photographer Alex, after he is diagnosed with peritoneal cancer. Abandoned by...
It Happened on... - The Bührle Art Robbery
On an expedition into unexplored wolf territory, two zoology students intrude into a secret world. In the midst of unrelenting wilderness and hours...
"GEMINI - THE TWIN STARS" is a story of star-crossed friendship, growing from one young man's flight from danger and another's quest for adventure....
Gemini: The Twin Stars
Robert, a former driver in illegal races, returns to his hometown Dietikon after a long period of absence. He is determined to put his past behind...
The Drift
Fritz Reinhart is a successful surgeon in Zurich suddenly faced with the suffering in a refugee camp on the Burmese border during his vacation in...
How About Love