Uta — the most beloved singer in the world. Her voice, which she sings with while concealing her true identity, has been described as...
One Piece Film Red
This is Ado's first live video work, featuring all the songs from her legendary Saitama Super Arena concert held on August 11, 2022! Included are 24...
Ado: Campanella
Ado's first-ever performance at Nippon Budokan, held on August 30th 2023, as part of her nationwide tour "Mars". Performing 23 songs in total, smash...
Filmed in Los Angeles as part of Ado's first World tour held over three months through Asia, Europe, and the USA, under the title "Wish". Performing...
This is the recorded performance of Ado's special live "Heart".
Ado SPECIAL LIVE 2024「Heart」