The story of the film revolves around the life of a young man who despite living in poverty, is struggling to become a lawyer and then devoted his...
Le pote
In the early 1960s, after Morocco’s independence from France, many of the country’s Jews clandestinely left for Palestine. The Jews of...
Where are you Going Moshe?
In 1972, disenchanted about the dreary conventions of English life, 25-year-old Julia heads for Morocco with her daughters, six-year-old Lucy and...
Hideous Kinky
Moroccan horror movie, the heroes are the members of a family who bought a big house at a good price and who discovered later that the house e was...
Le silence de la nuit
The film revolves around a young man named Jilali who lives a difficult life in the village and suffers from poverty. He is encouraged by his uncle...
ثمن الرحيل
A Moroccan film tells a dramatic social story about a middle-class family suffering from the father's stinginess, who does not leave his old coat,...
My father's coat
A Moroccan drama film that tells the story of a company manager, who helps a girl one night, but she dies in his car and he is accused of killing...
film tells a Moroccan police story concerning drug trafficking, the story begins with a crime, the investigations led by the officer Yakdan and his...
AL Houte AL Aamae