This historical drama is based on a play by Henrik Ibsen and set in the year 1528. The central figure in the low-keyed story is a Norwegian...
Lady Inger of Ostrat
The film is about suburban families, trying to be perfect housewives, and their theories in what is the right way of treating and accepting husbands...
Støv på hjernen
A slice of life in 'Solbråten' where citizens are concerned with everyday many chores. In particular, men busy. They struggle with a resident's...
Sønner av Norge
In suburbia Solbråten has some residents received bildilla. The otherwise wayward husbands forget their obligations for both work and home....
Sønner av Norge kjøper bil
The film is based on the story The Emperor Felix written by Gustav Aagaard, rewritten for the film by Gunnar Nilsen-Vig, who also photographed the...
A young Norwegian woman lives in a remote fishing village Dreaming of life in the big city, she sends her photo to a beauty contest. She is appointed...
A high comedy about a dental family with an office on the best western edge, where the lady of the house is mixed up in a delicate intrigue in her...
Fru Biksby og oberstens skinnkåpe
The Faroe Islands during the 18th century. Danish bailiff's control the island. In Torshamn lives Master Wenzel, known as hard but just. Wenzel tries...