A documentary that reports on the the rescue failure of the Sewol incident. In the days of media control, Park Geun-hye and her government sabotaged...
After Diving Bell
Ji-won, a news anchor woman, witnesses Jung Yong-wook, an emerging leader of the ruling party, being terrorized. She sees the incident from car...
Who Saw The Dragon's Claws?
Ha Kook-jin, a physician, meets Noh Ae-ri and his group who came to broadcast at the ski resort where he went with his wife's life. With this...
A Woman on the Verge
A Personal Essay on Cinema in Korea by Jang Sun-Woo
The Cinema on the Road
When viewed in public, the Kim's seem to have the perfect marriage. In private, however, their married life is filled with turbulence, fighting,...
Mrs. Kim Ma-ri
Director Chung Ji-Young criticizes the thought that older directors have difficulties in making certain movies. Actress Yoon Jin-Seo agonizes over...
Ari Ari the Korean Cinema